Protein 30%
Cocoa & Coconut
Fantastic taste, high protein content
Packed with Protein, Coated in Chocolate, and Built for Your Goals!
Power up your day with our irresistible protein bars, now coated with delicious chocolate. Each bar packs a whopping 15g of protein, helping you to stay full and focused throughout the day. And with almost ten times less sugar than our energy bars, you can indulge in a healthy, satisfying snack that will keep you on track toward your fitness goals. Take advantage of this perfect blend of taste and nutrition - grab our new protein bar today!
CHIMPANZEE 30% PROTEIN BAR is gluten-free and high in fiber, making it the tastiest and healthiest way to supplement energy and protein.
EN Protein bar with milk chocolate (19 %), coconut (1 %), cocoa (3.9 %) and sweeteners. Ingredients: milk proteins, sweeteners: maltitol, fructooligosaccharides, cocoa butter, soy protein, humectants: glycerin, whole milk powder, rapeseed oil, reduced-fat cocoa powder, hydrolyzed collagen, coconut, whey powder, tapioca starch, emulsifier: lecithins, flavors, peanuts, hazelnuts. Excessive intake can have a laxative effect.
DE Proteinriegel mit Milchschokolade (19 %), Kokosnuss (1 %), Kakao (3,9 %) und
Süßungsmittel. Zutaten: Milchproteine, Süßungsmittel: Maltitol,
Fructooligosaccharide, Kakaobutter, Sojaprotein, Feuchthaltemittel: Glycerin,
Vollmilchpulver, Rapsöl, fettreduziertes Kakaopulver, hydrolysiertes Kollagen,
Kokosnuss, Molkenpulver, Tapiokastärke, Emulgator: Lecithine, Aromen, Erdnüsse,
Haselnusskerne. Eine übermäßige Einnahme kann eine abführende Wirkung haben.
FR Barre protéinée au chocolat au lait (19 %), noix de coco (1 %), cacao (3,9 %) et
édulcorant. Ingrédients: protéines de lait, édulcorant: maltitol, fructo-
oligosaccharides, beurre de cacao, protéines de soja, humectant: glycérine, lait entier
en poudre, huile de colza, cacao maigre en poudre, collagène hydrolysé, noix de coco,
lactosérum en poudre, amidon de tapioca, émulsifiant: lécithines, arômes,
cacahuètes, noisettes. Une consommation excessive peut avoir un effet laxatif.
NL Eiwitreep met melkchocolade (19 %), kokosnoot (1 %), cacao (3,9 %) en zoetstof.
Ingrediënten: melkeiwitten, zoetstof: maltitol, fructo-oligosacchariden, cacaoboter,
soja-eiwit, humectant: glycerine, volle melkpoeder, koolzaadolie, magere
cacaopoeder, gehydrolyseerd collageen, kokosnoot, weipoeder, tapiocazetmeel,
emulgator: lecithinen, aroma's, pinda's, hazelnootpitten. Overmatige inname kan een
laxerend effect hebben.
DK Proteinbar med mælkechokolade (19 %), kokos (1 %), kakao (3,9 %) og
sødemiddel. Ingredienser: mælkeproteiner, sødemiddel: maltitol,
fructooligosaccharider, kakaosmør, sojaprotein, fugtighedsbevarende middel: glycerin,
sødmælkspulver, rapsolie, fedtreduceret kakaopulver, hydrolyseret kollagen,
kokosnød, vallepulver, tapiokastivelse, emulgator: lecithiner, aromaer, jordnødder,
hasselnøddekerner. Overdreven forbrug kan forårsage afførende virkninger.
PL Baton proteinowy z mleczną czekoladą (19 %), kokosem (1 %), kakao (3,9 %) i
substancją słodzącą. Składniki: białka mleka, substancja słodząca: maltitol,
fruktooligosacharydy, masło kakaowe, białko sojowe, środek utrzymujący wilgoć:
gliceryna, pełne mleko w proszku, olej rzepakowy, odtłuszczone kakao w proszku,
hydrolizowany kolagen, kokos, serwatka, skrobia z tapioki, emulgator: lecytyna,
aromaty, orzeszki ziemne, orzechy laskowe. Spożycie w nadmiernych ilościach może
wywołać efekt przeczyszczający.
ESP Barrita proteica con chocolate con leche (19 %), coco (1 %), cacao (3,9 %) y
edulcorante. Ingredientes: proteínas de leche, edulcorante: maltitol,
fructooligosacáridos, manteca de cacao, proteína de soja, humectante: glicerina, leche
entera en polvo, aceite de colza, cacao en polvo desgrasado, colágeno hidrolizado,
coco, suero de leche en polvo, almidón de tapioca, emulgente: lecitinas, aromas,
cacahuetes, avellanas. La ingesta excesiva puede tener un efecto laxante.
Nutritional values
Nutrition Facts | na 100g | per bar 50g | |
Energy value | 1786kJ 427kcal |
893kJ 213,5kcal |
Fats | 18 g | 8,5 g | |
from that saturated | 7 g | 3,5 g | |
Carbohydrates | 27,2 g | 13,6 g | |
of that sugars | 4 g | 2g | |
Fibre | 11 g | 5,5 g | |
Protein | 30 g | 15g | |
Salt | 0,06 g | 0,25 g | |
Did you know that ...?
Complete carbohydrates are important
Chimpanzee Energy bars are sweetened with BIO quality rice syrup. You will not find any glucose-fructose syrup or refined sugar with us. Due to its composition (maltose, glucose and polysaccharides), rice syrup has a lower glycemic index, contains B vitamins and minerals such as potassium, magnesium, zinc and manganese.