Short-dated products
Cocoa & Coconut 20 bars
Don’t Let Good Food Go to Waste—Grab These Deals with Speed and Taste!
Best before date: 12.4.2025
Packed with Protein, Coated in Chocolate, and Built for Your Goals!
Power up your day with our irresistible protein bars, now coated with delicious chocolate. Each bar packs a whopping 15g of protein, helping you to stay full and focused throughout the day. And with almost ten times less sugar than our energy bars, you can indulge in a healthy, satisfying snack that will keep you on track toward your fitness goals. Take advantage of this perfect blend of taste and nutrition - grab our new protein bar today!
CHIMPANZEE 30% PROTEIN BAR is gluten-free and high in fiber, making it the tastiest and healthiest way to supplement energy and protein.
Protein bar with milk chocolate (19 %), coconut (1 %), cocoa (3.9 %) and sweeteners. Ingredients: milk proteins, sweeteners: maltitol, fructooligosaccharides, cocoa butter, soy protein, humectants: glycerin, whole milk powder, rapeseed oil, reduced-fat cocoa powder, hydrolyzed collagen, coconut, whey powder, tapioca starch, emulsifier: lecithins, flavors, peanuts, hazelnuts. Excessive intake can have a laxative effect.
DE Proteinriegel mit Milchschokolade (19 %), Kokosnuss (1 %), Kakao (3,9 %) und
Süßungsmittel. Zutaten: Milchproteine, Süßungsmittel: Maltitol,
Fructooligosaccharide, Kakaobutter, Sojaprotein, Feuchthaltemittel: Glycerin,
Vollmilchpulver, Rapsöl, fettreduziertes Kakaopulver, hydrolysiertes Kollagen,
Kokosnuss, Molkenpulver, Tapiokastärke, Emulgator: Lecithine, Aromen, Erdnüsse,
Haselnusskerne. Eine übermäßige Einnahme kann eine abführende Wirkung haben.
FR Barre protéinée au chocolat au lait (19 %), noix de coco (1 %), cacao (3,9 %) et
édulcorant. Ingrédients: protéines de lait, édulcorant: maltitol, fructo-
oligosaccharides, beurre de cacao, protéines de soja, humectant: glycérine, lait entier
en poudre, huile de colza, cacao maigre en poudre, collagène hydrolysé, noix de coco,
lactosérum en poudre, amidon de tapioca, émulsifiant: lécithines, arômes,
cacahuètes, noisettes. Une consommation excessive peut avoir un effet laxatif.
NL Eiwitreep met melkchocolade (19 %), kokosnoot (1 %), cacao (3,9 %) en zoetstof.
Ingrediënten: melkeiwitten, zoetstof: maltitol, fructo-oligosacchariden, cacaoboter,
soja-eiwit, humectant: glycerine, volle melkpoeder, koolzaadolie, magere
cacaopoeder, gehydrolyseerd collageen, kokosnoot, weipoeder, tapiocazetmeel,
emulgator: lecithinen, aroma's, pinda's, hazelnootpitten. Overmatige inname kan een
laxerend effect hebben.
DK Proteinbar med mælkechokolade (19 %), kokos (1 %), kakao (3,9 %) og
sødemiddel. Ingredienser: mælkeproteiner, sødemiddel: maltitol,
fructooligosaccharider, kakaosmør, sojaprotein, fugtighedsbevarende middel: glycerin,
sødmælkspulver, rapsolie, fedtreduceret kakaopulver, hydrolyseret kollagen,
kokosnød, vallepulver, tapiokastivelse, emulgator: lecithiner, aromaer, jordnødder,
hasselnøddekerner. Overdreven forbrug kan forårsage afførende virkninger.
PL Baton proteinowy z mleczną czekoladą (19 %), kokosem (1 %), kakao (3,9 %) i
substancją słodzącą. Składniki: białka mleka, substancja słodząca: maltitol,
fruktooligosacharydy, masło kakaowe, białko sojowe, środek utrzymujący wilgoć:
gliceryna, pełne mleko w proszku, olej rzepakowy, odtłuszczone kakao w proszku,
hydrolizowany kolagen, kokos, serwatka, skrobia z tapioki, emulgator: lecytyna,
aromaty, orzeszki ziemne, orzechy laskowe. Spożycie w nadmiernych ilościach może
wywołać efekt przeczyszczający.
ESP Barrita proteica con chocolate con leche (19 %), coco (1 %), cacao (3,9 %) y
edulcorante. Ingredientes: proteínas de leche, edulcorante: maltitol,
fructooligosacáridos, manteca de cacao, proteína de soja, humectante: glicerina, leche
entera en polvo, aceite de colza, cacao en polvo desgrasado, colágeno hidrolizado,
coco, suero de leche en polvo, almidón de tapioca, emulgente: lecitinas, aromas,
cacahuetes, avellanas. La ingesta excesiva puede tener un efecto laxante.
Nutritional values
Nutrition Facts | na 100g | na kus/50g | |
Energy value | 1624kJ 387kcal |
812kJ 193,5kcal |
Fats | 18 g | 9 g | |
from that saturated | 7 g | 3,5 g | |
Carbohydrates | 27,2 g | 13,6 g | |
of that sugars | 4 g | 2g | |
Fibre | 11 g | 5,5 g | |
Protein | 30 g | 15g | |
Salt | 0,06 g | 0,03 g | |
Did you know that ...?
All our protein bars are in BIO quality, suitable for vegans, they do not contain gluten or soy. In addition, they have a minimalist composition processed by the RAW method and contain high-quality rice protein, which has the advantage of easy digestibility, pleasant taste and is also hypoallergenic.