Energy Bars
Chocolate Espresso NEW
Chocolate Energy Bar with coffee, Gluten-free, 55g
Chimpanzee Energy Bar Chocolate Espresso brings you a new and improved recipe, free from palm oil and artificial flavoring! Savor the rich, genuine taste of coffee and chocolate, crafted with pure natural ingredients. A delicious boost of clean energy for every day!
Delicious, gluten-free, and vegan, powered by solar energy.
We've worked hard to make our Energy Bars better than ever! Crafted with improved ingredients, they’re now tastier, gluten-free, and vegan. Produced on state-of-the-art machines powered by 99% solar energy, these bars reflect our commitment to quality, sustainability, and flavor.
EN Ingredients: Date and rice syrup, soy flour, gluten-free oat flakes, dark chocolate 7.5% (cocoa mass, sugar, cocoa butter, emulsifier: sunflower lecithin), sugar, millet, corn flour, rice flour, cocoa with reduced fat content, humectant: glycerin; shea butter, coffee 1%, natural flavouring, salt, cashew nuts. May contain traces of milk, sesame, peanuts and other nuts.
DE Energieriegel mit Schokolade und Kaffee. Zutaten: Dattel- und Reissirup, Sojamehl, glutenfreie Haferflocken, dunkle Schokolade 7,5 % (Kakaomasse, Zucker, Kakaobutter, Emulgator: Sonnenblumenlecithin), Zucker, Hirse, Maismehl, Reismehl, Kakao mit reduziertem Fettgehalt, Feuchthaltemittel: Glycerin; Shea Butter, Kaffee 1 %, natürliches Aroma, Salz, Cashewnüsse. Kann Spuren von Milch, Sesam, Erdnüssen und anderen Nussarten enthalten.
FR Barres énergétiques au chocolat et au café. Ingrédients: sirop de dattes et de riz, farine de soja, flocons d'avoine sans gluten, chocolat noir 7,5% (pâte de cacao, sucre, beurre de cacao, émulsifiant: lécithine de tournesol), sucre, millet, farine de maïs, farine de riz, cacao allégé, humectant: glycérol; beurre de karité, café 1%, arôme naturel, sel, noix de cajou. Peut contenir des traces de lait, sésame, arachides et autres fruits à coque.
NL Energierepen met chocolade en koffie. Ingrediënten: dadel- en rijststroop, sojameel, glutenvrije havervlokken, pure chocolade 7,5% (cacaomassa, suiker, cacaoboter, emulgator: zonnebloemlecithine), suiker, gierst, maïsmeel, rijstmeel, magere cacao, humectant: glycerol; shea boter, koffie 1%, natuurlijk aroma, zout, cashewnoten. Kan sporen bevatten van melk, sesam, pinda's en andere noten.
SK Energetické tyčinky s čokoládou a kávou. Zloženie: datľový a ryžový sirup, sójová múka, bezlepkové ovsené vločky, horká čokoláda 7,5 % (kakaová hmota, cukor, kakaové maslo, emulgátor: slnečnicový lecitín), cukor, proso, kukuričná múka, ryžová múka, kakao so zníženým obsahom tuku, zvlhčujúca látka: glycerol; bambucký tuk, káva 1%, prírodná aróma, soľ, kešu oriešky. Môže obsahovať stopy mlieka, sezamu, arašidov a iných orechov.
DK Energibarer med chokolade og kaffe. Ingredienser: daddel- og rissirup, sojamel, glutenfri havreflager, mørk chokolade 7,5% (kakaomasse, sukker, kakaosmør, emulgator: solsikkelecithin), sukker, hirse, majsmel, rismel, fedtfattig kakao, fugtighedsbevarende middel: glycerol; sheasmør, kaffe 1%, naturlig smag, salt, cashewnødder. Kan indeholde spor af mælk, sesam, jordnødder og andre nødder.
PL Batony energetyczne z czekoladą i kawą. Składniki: syrop daktylowo-ryżowy, mąka sojowa, bezglutenowe płatki owsiane, gorzka czekolada 7,5% (miazga kakaowa, cukier, tłuszcz kakaowy, emulgator: lecytyna słonecznikowa), cukier, kasza jaglana, mąka kukurydziana, mąka ryżowa, kakao o obniżonej zawartości tłuszczu, substancja utrzymująca wilgoć: glicerol; masło shea, kawa 1%, naturalny aromat, sól, orzechy nerkowca. Może zawierać śladowe ilości mleka, sezamu, orzeszków ziemnych i innych orzechów.
ESP Barritas energéticas con chocolate y café. Ingredientes: sirope de dátil y arroz, harina de soja, copos de avena sin gluten, chocolate negro 7,5% (pasta de cacao, azúcar, manteca de cacao, emulsionante: lecitina de girasol), azúcar, mijo, harina de maíz, harina de arroz, cacao desgrasado, humectante: glicerol; manteca de karité, café 1%, aroma natural, sal, anacardo. Puede contener trazas de leche, sésamo, cacahuetes y otros frutos de cáscara.
The most suitable use
Bio - Organic
BIO Chocolate
8 %
BIO cocoa
5 %
BIO Rice Syrup
20 %
BIO cane sugar
6 %
Rice Crispies
15 %
4 %
4 %
15 %
Vegetable Palm Fat
5 %
20 %
6 %
Cashew Nuts
1 %
Nutritional values
Nutrition values | in 100g | in 55g | |
Nutrition facts | 1629kJ 387kcal |
896kJ 212kcal |
Fats | 11g | 6g | |
Saturated fat | 3.6g | 2g | |
Carbohydrates | 57g | 31g | |
Sugars | 33g | 6.6g | |
Fiber | 7g | 3.8g | |
Protein | 13g | 7g | |
Salt | 0.3g | 0.16g | |
Did you know that ...?
All our protein bars are in BIO quality, suitable for vegans, they do not contain gluten or soy. In addition, they have a minimalist composition processed by the RAW method and contain high-quality rice protein, which has the advantage of easy digestibility, pleasant taste and is also hypoallergenic.