Energy Bars
Cashew Caramel
Improved recipe and real caramel, Gluten-free, 55g
The combination of cashew nuts, caramel, and cocoa nibs guarantees a perfect taste experience!
Delicious, gluten-free, powered by solar energy. Non-vegan-friendly.
We've worked hard to make our Energy Bars better than ever! Crafted with improved ingredients, they’re now tastier, gluten-free, and vegan. Produced on state-of-the-art machines powered by 99% solar energy, these bars reflect our commitment to quality, sustainability, and flavor.
EN Ingredients: Rice syrup, soy flour, gluten-free oat flakes, cashews 7.5%, roasted soybeans, sugar, caramel 4.2% (glucose syrup, sugar, butter, water, cream, salt), millet flour, corn flour, rice flour, humectant: glycerin; rapeseed oil, cocoa beans, coloring: caramel; natural flavor, salt. May contain traces of sesame, peanuts and other nuts.
FR Barres énergétiques aux cajou et caramel. Ingrédients: sirop de riz, farine de soja, flocons d'avoine sans gluten, noix de cajou 7.5 %, graines de soja torréfiées, sucre, caramel 4.2 % (sirop de glucose, sucre, beurre, eau, crème, sel), farine de millet, farine de maïs, farine de riz, humectant: glycérol; huile de colza, fèves de cacao, colorant: caramel; arôme naturel, sel. Peut contenir des traces de sésame, d'arachides et d'autres types de fruits à coque.
NL Energierepen met cashew en karamel. Ingrediënten: rijststroop, sojameel, glutenvrije havervlokken, cashewnoten 7.5%, geroosterde sojabonen, suiker, karamel 4.2% (glucosestroop, suiker, boter, water, room, zout), gierstmeel, maïsmeel, rijstmeel, bevochtigingsmiddel: glycerol; koolzaadolie, cacaobonen, kleurstof: karamel; natuurlijke smaakstof, zout. Kan sporen bevatten van sesam, pinda's en andere soorten schelpvruchten.
SK Energetické tyčinky s kešu a karamelom. Zloženie: ryžový sirup, sójová múka, ovsené vločky bezlepkové, kešu 7.5 %, pražené sójové bôby, cukor, karamel 4.2 % (glukózový sirup, cukor, maslo, voda, smotana, soľ), pšeno múka, kukuričná múka, rúž látka: glycerol; repkový olej, kakaové bôby, farbivo: karamel; prírodná aróma, soľ. Môže obsahovať stopy sezamu, arašidov a iných druhov škrupinových plodov.
DK Energibar med cashewnødder og karamel. Ingredienser: rissirup, sojamel, glutenfri havreflager, cashewnødder 7.5%, ristede sojabønner, sukker, karamel 4.2% (glukosesirup, sukker, smør, vand, fløde, salt), hirsemel, majsmel, rismel, fugtighedsbevarende middel: glycerin; rapsolie, kakaobønner, farve: karamel; naturlig smag, salt. Kan indeholde spor af sesam, jordnødder og andre nødder.
PL Baton energetyczny z orzechami nerkowca i karmelem. Składniki: syrop ryżowy, mąka sojowa, bezglutenowe płatki owsiane, orzechy nerkowca 7.5%, prażone ziarna soi, cukier, karmel 4,2% (syrop glukozowy, cukier, masło, woda, śmietana, sól), mąka jaglana, mąka kukurydziana, mąka ryżowa, substancja utrzymująca wilgoć: gliceryna; olej rzepakowy, ziarna kakaowe, barwnik: karmelowy; naturalny aromat, sól. Może zawierać śladowe ilości sezamu, orzeszków ziemnych i innych orzechów.
ESP Barrita energética con anacardos y caramelo. Ingredientes: sirope de arroz, harina de soja, copos de avena sin gluten, anacardos 7.5%, soja tostada, azúcar, caramelo 4.2% (jarabe de glucosa, azúcar, mantequilla, agua, nata, sal), harina de mijo, harina de maíz, harina de arroz, humectante: glicerina; aceite de colza, granos de cacao, colorante: caramelo; sabor natural, sal. Puede contener trazas de sésamo, cacahuetes y otros frutos de cáscara.
The most suitable use
Bio - Organic
Gluten-free oats
15 %
Cocoa beans
5 %
BIO Rice Syrup
25 %
BIO cane sugar
4 %
2 %
Millet-rice crispies
15 %
5 %
Rapeseed Oil
4 %
20 %
Cashew Nuts
8 %
Nutritional values
Nutrition Values | 100g | in 55g | |
Nutrition values | 1660kJ 395kcal |
217kcal |
Fats | 13g | 7g | |
Saturated fats | 2.8g | 1.5g | |
Carbohydrates | 52g | ||
Sugars | 24g | 28.6g | |
Fiber | 6.4g | 13.2g | |
Protein | 14g | 7.7g | |
Salt | 0.14g | 0.08g | |
Did you know that ...?
Complete carbohydrates are important
Chimpanzee Energy bars are sweetened with BIO quality rice syrup. You will not find any glucose-fructose syrup or refined sugar with us. Due to its composition (maltose, glucose and polysaccharides), rice syrup has a lower glycemic index, contains B vitamins and minerals such as potassium, magnesium, zinc and manganese.