Energy Bars
Banana Chocolate NEW
Packed in a fresh green and an improved recipe, Gluten-free, 55g
The bananas are sourced from Sri Lanka, making this bar tastier and more compact while still being 100% natural. Enjoy a delightful burst of energy with a hint of the exotic!
Delicious, gluten-free, and vegan, powered by solar energy.
We've worked hard to make our Energy Bars better than ever! Crafted with improved ingredients, they’re now tastier, gluten-free, and vegan. Produced on state-of-the-art machines powered by 99% solar energy, these bars reflect our commitment to quality, sustainability, and flavor.
EN Ingredients: Rice syrup, gluten-free oat flakes, soy flour, dried bananas 9.5%, chocolate pieces 7% (cocoa mass, sugar, cocoa butter, sunflower lecithin), millet, corn flour, rice flour, rapeseed oil, sugar, natural flavouring, salt, cashew. May contain milk, sesame, peanuts and other nuts.
FR Barre énergétique à la banane et au chocolat. Ingrédients: sirop de riz, flocons d'avoine sans gluten, farine de soja, bananes séchées 9.5 %, chocolat 7% (pâte de cacao, sucre, beurre de cacao, lécithine de tournesol), millet, farine de maïs, farine de riz, huile de colza, sucre, arôme naturel, sel, noix de cajou. Peut contenir lait, sésame, arachides et autres noix.
NL Energiereep met banaan en chocolade. Ingrediënten: rijstsiroop, glutenvrije havervlokken, sojameel, gedroogde bananen 9.5%, chocoladestukjes 7% (cacaomassa, suiker, cacaoboter, zonnebloemlecithine), gierst, maïsmeel, rijstmeel, koolzaadolie, rietsuiker suiker, natuurlijk aroma, zout, cashewnoten. Kan melk, sesam, pinda's en andere noten bevatten.
SK Energetická tyčinka s banánom a čokoládou. Zloženie: ryžový sirup, ovsené vločky bezlepkové, sójová múka, sušené banány 9.5%, čokoláda 7% (kakaová hmota, cukor, kakaové maslo, slnečnicový lecitín), pšeno, kukuričná múka, ryžová múka, řepkový olej, cukor, prírodná aróma, soľ, kešu. Môže obsahovať mlieko, sezam, arašidy a ďalšie orechy.
DK Energibar med banan og chokolade. Ingredienser: rissirup, glutenfri havregryn, sojamel, tørrede bananer 9.5%, chokoladestykker 7% (kakaomasse, sukker, kakaosmør, solsikkelecithin), hirse, majsmel, rismel, rapsolie, sukker, naturlig smag, salt, cashewnødder. Kan indeholde mælk, sesam, jordnødder og andre nødder.
PL Baton energetyczny bananowo-czekoladowy. Składniki: syrop ryżowy, płatki owsiane bezglutenowe, mąka sojowa, suszone banany 9.5%, czekolada 7% (miazga kakaowa, cukier, tłuszcz kakaowy, lecytyna słonecznikowa), kasza jaglana, mąka kukurydziana, mąka ryżowa, olej rzepakowy, cukier, aromat naturalny, sól, orzechy nerkowca. Może zawierać mleko sezamowe, ziemne i inne orzechy.
ESP Barrita energética con plátano y chocolate. Ingredientes: sirope de arroz, copos de avena sin gluten, harina de soja, plátanos secos 9.5%, trozos de chocolate 7% (pasta de cacao, azúcar, manteca de cacao, lecitina de girasol), mijo, harina de maíz, harina de arroz, aceite de colza, azúcar, aroma natural, sal, anacardo. Puede contener leche, sésamo, cacahuetes y otros frutos de cáscara.
The most suitable use
Bio - Organic
Gluten-free oats
20 %
BIO Chocolate
7 %
BIO Rice Syrup
20 %
BIO Dried Bananas
10 %
BIO cane sugar
4 %
Millet-rice crispies
15 %
Rapeseed Oil
5 %
20 %
Cashew Nuts
1 %
Nutritional values
Nutrition values | na 100g | na kus/55g | |
Nutrition facts | 1380kJ 328kcal |
180kcal |
Fats | 9g | 5 | |
Saturated fat | 2g | 1 | |
Carbohydrates | 50g | 27.5 | |
Sugars | 32g | 17.6 | |
Fiber | 6.5g | 3.5 | |
Protein | 12g | 6.6 | |
Salt | 0.07g | 0.04 | |
Did you know that ...?
All our protein bars are in BIO quality, suitable for vegans, they do not contain gluten or soy. In addition, they have a minimalist composition processed by the RAW method and contain high-quality rice protein, which has the advantage of easy digestibility, pleasant taste and is also hypoallergenic.