Energy Bars
Apple Ginger 20 bars NEW
Vegan, Gluten-free, 55g
Rediscover the joy of wholesome goodness with a delightful twist! The Chimpanzee Energy Bar in Apple Ginger flavor features a delicious blend of apples, carrots, ginger, and millet, designed to please your taste buds. Packed with protein and fiber, this natural energy bar fuels your body and energizes your day. Treat yourself to the perfect balance of flavor and vitality!
Delicious, gluten-free, and vegan, powered by solar energy.
We've worked hard to make our Energy Bars better than ever! Crafted with improved ingredients, they’re now tastier, gluten-free, and vegan. Produced on state-of-the-art machines powered by 99% solar energy, these bars reflect our commitment to quality, sustainability, and flavor.
Ingredients: Rice syrup, soy flour, gluten-free oats, roasted soybeans, dried apples 6%, dried carrots, cashews, sugar, millet, corn flour, rice flour, apple fiber 2%, rapeseed oil, dried ginger 0.9%, lemon concentrate, natural flavor, salt. May contain milk, sesame, peanuts and other nuts.
Zutaten: Reissirup, Sojamehl, glutenfreie Haferflocken, geröstete Sojabohnen, getrocknete Äpfel 6 %, getrocknete Karotten, Cashewnüsse, Zucker, Hirse, Maismehl, Reismehl, Apfelfaser 2 %, Rapsöl, getrockneter Ingwer 0.9 %, Zitronenkonzentrat, natürliches Aroma, Salz. Kann Milch, Sesam, Erdnüsse und andere Nüsse enthalten.
FR Barre énergétique au pommes et au gingembre. Ingrédients: sirop de riz, farine de soja, flocons d'avoine sans gluten, graines de soja grillées, pommes séchées 6%, carottes séchées, noix de cajou, sucre, millet, farine de maïs, farine de riz, fibre de pomme 2%, huile de colza, gingembre séché 0.9%, concentré de citron, arôme naturel, sel. Peut contenir lait, sésame, arachides et autres noix.
NL Energiereep met appels en gember. Ingrediënten: rijstsiroop, sojameel, glutenvrije havermout, geroosterde sojabonen, gedroogde appels 6%, gedroogde wortelen, cashewnoten, suiker, gierst, maïsmeel, rijstmeel, appelvezel 2%, raapzaadolie, gedroogde gember 0.9 %, citroenconcentraat, natuurlijk aroma, zout. Kan melk, sesam, pinda's en andere noten bevatten.
SK Energetická tyčinka s jablkom a zázvorom. Zloženie: ryžový sirup, sójová múka, ovsené vločky bezlepkové, pražené sójové bôby, jablká sušené 6 %, mrkva sušená, kešu, cukor, pšeno, kukuričná múka, ryžová múka, jablčná vláknina 2 %, repkový olej, sušený zázvor 0.9 %, citrónový koncentrát, prírodná aróma, soľ. Môže obsahovať mlieko, sezam, arašidy a ďalšie orechy.
DK Energibar med æbler og ingefær. Ingredienser: rissirup, sojamel, glutenfri havregryn, ristede sojabønner, tørrede æbler 6%, tørrede gulerødder, cashewnødder, sukker, hirse, majsmel, rismel, æblefiber 2%, rapsolie, tørret ingefær 0.9%, citronkoncentrat, naturlig aroma, salt. Kan indeholde mælk, sesam, jordnødder og andre nødder.
PL Baton energetyczny z jabłka i imbirem. Składniki: syrop ryżowy, mąka sojowa, płatki owsiane bezglutenowe, prażona soja, suszone jabłka 6%, suszona marchew, orzechy nerkowca, cukier, proso, mąka kukurydziana, mąka ryżowa, błonnik jabłkowy 2%, olej rzepakowy, suszony imbir 0.9%, koncentrat cytrynowy, naturalny aromat, sól. Może zawierać mleko sezamowe, ziemne i inne orzechy.
ESP Barrita energética con manzana y jengibre. Ingredientes: sirope de arroz, harina de soja, copos de avena sin gluten, soja tostada, manzanas secas 6%, zanahorias secas, anacardos, azúcar, mijo, harina de maíz, harina de arroz, fibra de manzana 2%, aceite de colza, jengibre seco 0.9%, concentrado de limón, aroma natural, sal. Puede contener leche, sésamo, cacahuetes y otros frutos de cáscara.
The most suitable use
Bio - Organic
Gluten-free oats
11 %
BIO Lemon
1 %
BIO Almonds
4 %
BIO Carrots
10 %
BIO Rice Syrup
23 %
BIO cane sugar
4 %
10 %
Millet-rice crispies
10 %
Rapeseed Oil
5 %
25 %
1 %
Nutritional values
Nutritional Values | na 100g | na kus/55g | %RI* v 55g |
Nutrition facts | 1760kJ 416kcal |
968kJ 229kcal |
12% |
Fats | 13g | 7g | 12% |
Saturated fats | 2.5g | 1.4g | 7% |
Carbohydrates | 54g | 30g | 12% |
Sugars | 24g | 13g | 14% |
Fiber | 8g | 4.4g | 19% |
Protein | 17g | 9.3g | 19% |
Salut | 0.26g | 0.15g | 3% |
Did you know that ...?
Complete carbohydrates are important
Chimpanzee Energy bars are sweetened with BIO quality rice syrup. You will not find any glucose-fructose syrup or refined sugar with us. Due to its composition (maltose, glucose and polysaccharides), rice syrup has a lower glycemic index, contains B vitamins and minerals such as potassium, magnesium, zinc and manganese.